BBQ without Borders 2019
A one day festival to raise money for
immigrant legal aid and advocacy
Oakland, CA- No Immigrants No Spice (NINS), a Bay Area 501C3 nonprofit which focuses on awareness of immigrant contributions through food, culture and economy announced it’s signature event, #BBQwithoutborders in partnership with New American Economy as the Oakland installment of the New Americans Festival. NINS held this festival on October 5 2019, selling out to capacity with 480 attendees and 170 on the waitlist! We had an incredible event full of food, music, storytelling, art, dance and community. We surpassed our goal and raised 12,000$ for our partners Pangea Legal and The National Immigrant Justice Center.
“Given the current political climate, we feel that people really need a safe place to celebrate immigrants and diversity. We are excited to bring #BBQwithoutborders to Oakland for our inaugural event. The event will feature Indonesian, Northern Iranian and Mexican barbecue plus Indian desserts and will feature incredible performances by Diana Gameros, Rahill Jamalifard, dance performances by Gamelan Sekar Jaya, the Cal Bhangra team, flamenco, street dance, as well as performance art, a film premier on the spot education and a whole lot of community!” -Vibha Gupta, Executive Director and Founder
All photos, besides the photobooth more or less come from our friend Scott Hoag a.k.a. Rockwell Creative